Empowerment through Education

Ms. Brown is paying it forward and showing the residents of her community anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

Rainbow would like to introduce you to Ms. Brown. She is a resident of one of our Texas communities where we provide resident services through our onsite center. Ms. Brown shared with the onsite Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) she was struggling financially and needed assistance. She also shared that not only was she unable to graduate from high school, she also cares for her four beautiful children, one of which has autism.

Rainbow’s RSC swiftly went into action and introduced Ms. Brown to our Web-Based Resident Applied Programming (WRAP). The WRAP program is a uniquely-designed online program which offers many life-skills training components, one of which is an online GED program. This program is designed to work around our residents’ schedules. The program allows residents to work at their own pace whenever they choose, thus allowing them to continue daily activities without interruption.

Ms. Brown applied to the GED program and was accepted immediately. She is now working toward her goal of completing her high school education. She also has a new goal of continuing her education through Rainbow’s Scholarship Program in order to obtain a college degree.

Ms. Brown is working to complete Rainbow’s unique Return on Female Ingenuity (ROIF) program, which was designed to enhance education and employability for the female heads of households. This program capitalizes on female ingenuity in today’s economic environment to reach financial security and stability.

Not only is Ms. Brown working to achieve her personal goals, she has also become a volunteer at the onsite center to give back to her community. Through mentoring others, Ms. Brown is paying it forward and showing the residents of her community anything is possible when you put your mind to it. We are Rainbow, and together we are changing lives.